
Our School Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed so everyone has access the Early Years Curriculum and National Curriculum programme of study and to develop a strong understanding of our place and community: past and present. 

Due the organisation of our school the curriculum for each subject is sequenced in different ways. Most subjects are sequenced with a two-year cycle in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, a 3-year cycle in Years 3, 4 and 5 and a standalone Year 6 plan. 

Some pupils may need the curriculum to be adapted in order to access the curriculum, guidance for this is taken from their support plans and EHCPs.   Please visit the SEND section of our website to see how we achieve this here at St Oswald’s.

Curriculum Overview

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – Curriculum Overview

Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 – Curriculum Overview

Year 6 – Curriculum Overview

In the academic Year 23-24 Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are currently on Route B. Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 are on Route C. 

Single Year group Maths long term curriculum plan.

Information regarding our remote learning offer can be found here.

Phonics Information – At St Oswald’s we use a phonics programme called Sounds-Write. Further information can be found by clicking here.

Reading Scheme Information – Our main reading schemes for Reception and Year 1 are Sounds-Write and Dandelion. These books are fully aligned to our phonics teaching. As children become more confident and capable readers, they choose books from a range of reading schemes such as Collins Big Cat and Pearsons Bug Club before moving on to be free readers able to select books from our class libraries.

Relationship, Sex and Health Education – Our policy can be found by in the policies section on this website.

Please contact Mrs Hassall, Headteacher, if you require any further information about our school curriculum.