Premium Reports

Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022

Catch-up Premium Report 2020-21

Pupil Premium Report 2020-21

Pupil Premium Report 2019-20

Please click here for a guide to the pupil premium.

Sports Premium Statement
PE and sport have a high profile at St Oswald’s.  Sport Premium is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools.  The Sport Premium is to be used to ‘Increase the quality & breadth of PE & Sport provision, and increasing participation in PE & Sport’.  The focus on PE enhances the St Oswald’s School Christian ethos by providing opportunities for our pupils to shine brightly in a range of ways; develop as team players and leaders; and to contribute to the wider community through festivals and competitions with other schools.

PE and Sports Premium Report – 2023/24

This year, we can confirm that 90% of Year 6 pupils are able to swim to the expected standard for the end of KS2.

Children at St Oswald’s also actively attend a range of out of school clubs. This is a selection:

Destination Judo
Several clubs across the County – visit their website

Durham Climbing Centre

Durham Palatinates Netball

Durham City Amateur Swimming and Water Polo Club

Durham Wildcats Wheelchair Basketball
Contact Richard Warburton